boating accidentBoating accidents can lead to serious injuries and sometimes even death. Below are the most common types of boating accidents, types of accidents and what you should do after a boating accident.

Main Causes of Boating Accidents

Distracted Boat Operator

This is the most common cause of boating accidents. A pat operator is responsible for ensuring that they keep track of weather conditions and wind patterns and adhering to maritime laws. If they are distracted they can miss water hazards, drive at inappropriate speeds and even make sudden and dangerous turns.

Inexperienced Operator

Inexperience of operators is the third most common cause of boating accidents in the United States. According to the U.S Coast Guard annual report, most operators do not know what to do in emergency situations, how to prepare for emergency situations and they also do not understand the rules of navigation and the basics of boating.

Boating Under the Influence

When an operator is under the influence of alcohol or drugs while operating the boat, their judgement becomes impaired and this can result in a boating accident. In Massachusetts, the legal limit of blood alcohol level for boat operators is 0.08%, which is the same as that of car drivers.

Faulty Equipment

Boating equipment should be properly maintained and boat operators are required to ensure that the boat is in good condition before they take it out onto the water. According to the U.S Coast Guard, the main equipment and machinery failure that caused accidents in 2019 included:

  • Throttle failure
  • Steering system failure
  • Shift failure
  • Fuel system failure
  • Engine failure
  • Electrical system failure
  • Auxiliary equipment failure
  • The seat came loose
  • Onboard navigation aid failed
  • The sail dismasted

Bad Weather

Boat operators should never ignore weather alerts and should always check weather conditions before heading out. Heavy rain and high winds can make boating conditions dangerous. It’s important that boating operators always stay mindful of boating conditions even if the sky is clear.

Driving at High Speeds

It’s important to drive boats at safe speeds just as we do with cars while we are on the road. Driving at a safe speed can give an operator enough time to react to any dangers and might prevent collisions with other boats. According to the Coast Guard report, excessive speed caused 358 accidents, 22 deaths and 325 injuries in 2019.

Overloaded Boats

It’s very easy for a boat to capsize if it’s overloaded. Boat operators should ensure that they do not carry too many people or carry heavy loads that the boat cannot handle.

Ignoring Navigational Rules

Just like on the road, there are certain rules that need to be followed while on the water. Violating these rules can lead to running the boat aground or colliding with other boats.

Types of Boating Accidents and Injuries

Boat Collisions

These are the most common types of boating accidents. Unfortunately, seat belts are not allowed in boats and so when there is a collision, boat occupants are often sent flying. Boats do not have seat belts because you are more likely to down if you have a seat belt on and the boat capsizes or sinks.

In addition to getting thrown off a boat by the impact of a collision, there is no guarantee that the boat occupants will land safely in the water. They could hit a rock and suffer a concussion or any other injury that would make them incapable of swimming to safety.

If the boater isn’t thrown off the boat, they could still smash themselves against a hard or sharp object on the boat.

Yacht Accidents

You need proper training and experience to operate a yacht. However, over speeding, ignoring safety rules, violating navigation rules, boating under the influence and other types of reckless behavior can cause an accident. Due to the large size of a yacht, the danger of getting into an accident increases significantly.


High underwater land masses and sand bars may not be immediately visible to a boat operator. When a boat collides with either of them, the boat might get stuck. It’s estimated that grounding was the reason behind 9% of boating accidents in 2014. The best way to avoid this kind of accident is to have a GPS, compass and safety equipment and to also learn the area.

Swamping and Flooding Accidents

Swamping and flooding accidents contributed to 15% of boating accident deaths in 2014. Boaters who have no or little swimming experience and those without life jackets are more at risk of dying due to flooding accidents. Cold water and poor weather also increase the danger.

Skier Mishap

This is unfortunately the fifth most common type of boating accident. Being pulled by a poor boat operator or hitting the water at a bad angle are just some of risks associated with skiing. In fact, skiing accidents have more reported injuries than other types of boating accidents.

Skiing can be safer if the boat operator is well trained, knows safe areas to pull a skier and knows how to pull them.

What to do After a Boating Accident in Plymouth, MA.

If the boat is still intact, everyone is onboard and you aren’t injured, the first thing you need to do is to determine whether everyone else is okay or if anyone needs attention.

If anyone has fallen overboard, you should help them back onto the boat if it’s possible. If the boat has been damaged, you should try to hold on to the debris to avoid sinking.

In addition to ensuring everyone on your boat is okay, you should also check to see if anyone on the other boat is okay if you collided with another boat.

Never leave the scene of a boat accident. If you are able to, you need to gather as much information as you can about the accident. Some of the information you should gather includes:

  • Insurance policy numbers and insurance company names of the boat owners involved in the accident
  • Contact information of witnesses
  • Contact information of everyone onboard both vessels
  • Contact information of the boat operators
  • Registration number of the boats involved in the accident

Ensure that you take as many pictures as possible of the accident from different angles. The pictures might be helpful when you file for a boating accident claim and you need to prove liability.

Contact a Boating Accident Lawyer in Plymouth, MA

Filing a boating accident claim in Plymouth can be challenging especially if you aren’t knowledgeable on maritime law. If you have been involved in a boating accident, we can help you take the right steps to protect yourself and to get compensation for your damages.

Contact any of our attorneys at our Plymouth offices by calling 508-746-2700 to schedule your free initial consultation.